USCG Vessel Record Request
National Vessel Documentation Center Record Request Form
⚫Certificate of Documentation.
⚫Certificate of Ownership.
⚫Application for Documentation.
⚫Vessel Mortgage Supplement.
⚫Builder's Certification.
⚫Miscellaneous Filings.
Order an abstract of title and other recordings directly from the Coast Guard.
This form is free of additional markups and fully automated for your convenience.
Complete the details below, review for accuracy, and send it off by email, fax, or mail.
We accept no liability or responsibility for utilization of this service.
Please read our
terms of use
for additional information.
About The Record Request Form
How to complete the USCG vessel record request form.
The record request form is designed for ordering copies of various recordings and other items
filed in conjunction with the documentation of a particular vessel. It is provided as a courtesy
for our readers and subscribers. Upon completion, the form must be submitted directly to the
U.S. Coast Guard's National Vessel Documentation Center along with the appropriate payment of
fees. This can be implemented by email, fax, or regular mail according the instructions as
Abstract of Title - An abstract of title offers a complete synopsis of
all transactions related to a particular vessel during the historical period under which it was
actively documented. This includes basic vessel identification specifics along with all
recordings related to transfers of ownership, preferred mortgages, mortgage supplements, claims
of lien, and other significant notations. The cost is $25.00 and turn-around time is typically
within just a few days depending on their workload. As an alternative to using this form, an abstract can also be ordered
directly online from the National Vessel Documentation Center. You may also need to use a
decoding chart to
interpret older abstracts.
Certificate of Documentation - A copy of the most recently issued certificate of documentation will show vessel
identification specifics along with the owner's name and address at the time of
issue. However, it does not include a history of transaction recordings and
other filings. The cost is $4.00 and turn-around time is typically within just a few
days depending on their workload. As an alternative to using this form, a copy of the certificate can also be
directly online from the National Vessel Documentation Center.
Certificate of
Ownership - A certificate of ownership is a condensed
version of an abstract of title. It will identify the last owner of record and show any
outstanding mortgages and encumbrances as certified by the Coast Guard. The cost is $125.00 and
turn-around time is typically within a few days depending on their workload.
Application for
Documentation - A copy of the most recently filed application for
documentation will show additional ownership details about the applicant. The cost is $4.00 and
turn-around time is typically within a few days depending on their workload.
Certificate - A copy of the builder's certificate is available for
most commercial vessels, however one may or may not have been filed for those used solely for
recreational purposes. The cost is $4.00 and turn-around time is typically within a few days
depending on their workload.
Application for Measurement - An application
for measurement is available in cases where such dimensions were not provided by a builder's
certificate. This applies mostly to recreational vessels. The cost is $4.00 and turn-around time
is typically within a few days depending on their workload..
Recorded Instruments - Recorded instruments include
bills of sale, preferred mortgages, mortgage supplements, and claims of lien. A request for such
copies must be accompanied by the recording information which is only obtainable from an
abstract of title. The order must include the name of the instrument as shown, date filed,
book/batch number, and doc id/page number as applicable (see example). You may need a
decoding chart to identify
instruments on older abstracts. The cost is $4.00 for a typical instrument (the NVDC will send a
notification if additional fees are required). Turn-around time is usually within a few days depending on their workload.
Completing the request form is self-explanatory and simply a matter of keying in all the
appropriate information. A hull identification number is helpful but not required unless the
official documentation number is unknown. The vessel name is optional but also helpful for
identification purposes. Email and telephone information should be included along with a fax
number when applicable. If the vessel is commercially endorsed, this should be indicated as such
requests are given priority. The form may be submitted to the NVDC by email, fax, or regular mail at the contact
information shown in the header. When sending by email it must be attached as an Adobe PDF file.
If you need professional assistance with any vessel documentation needs, we suggest obtaining a
free quotation from our
full-service associate.