Boat Lien Claims Registry
Free boat lien claims database search lookup.
⚫Protects claimants and lenders.
⚫Covers ski-boats to mega-yachts.
⚫Augments statutory recordings.
⚫No login or password required.
⚫Motivates delinquent settlements.
⚫Nationwide and foreign exposure.
About the Boat Lien Claims Registry
How to search for boat lien records and post claims.
About - The boat lien claims registry is a free service designed for
lenders, boatyards, marinas, suppliers, tax agencies, and individual claimants. It affords a
unique opportunity for exposing maritime liens or claims to all interested parties. This is
exactly what thousands of our readers are looking
for each and every day. It is an ideal way to supplement statutory government recordings
which are not typically publicized.
Searches - Search findings are immediately available online without a subscription. In
order to obtain the best results, be sure to submit all known boat identification numbers for the boat you are searching.
These may include an official USCG documentation number, hull identification number, or state
registration number. All records are displayed right on this page and will show the respective
details. You will find the claimant's
name, contact information, boat specifications, and details about the claim.
Postings - Registry postings are available to any claimant or lien-holder immediately
online without a subscription. The only requirements are that postings must be related to a
specific boat and the claimant must provide sufficient contact information for any interested
parties. Upon receipt of your claim, we will send a confirmation by email along with further information about removing or altering said listing.
Caveats - It is important to
understand that our registry contains proprietary data only and does not include governmental
recordings. These records must be obtained directly from the respective agencies. As such, the claims shown
here do not afford any rights of foreclosure and are not an affirmation of validity. They are for
informational purposes only and do not constitute any form of security perfections. The registry
merely places interested parties on notice about the existence of a potential lien or claim that
may or may not affect the subject boat.