The nation's largest collection of boat registration and title resources.

USCG Documented Vessels  -  State Registered Boats  -  Foreign Registered Yachts

Serving boat buyers, sellers, marine lenders, yacht brokers, boat dealers, maritime attorneys and marine surveyors.

Featuring the boating industry's most comprehensive vessel database ever!


"The internet's foremost boat history search resource."

Search for boat records from eight master databases all rolled into one interface.
Detailed reports on multiple search criteria available for both desktop and mobile devices.
Unique cross-checking feature for hull numbers, documentation numbers, and state registration numbers.

Identify vessels that have been stolen, damaged, destroyed, submerged, salvaged, or recalled.

About Our Website

How this website will benefit you.
Our credentials and qualifications.
Longest running boat title website.
Nationwide and foreign coverage.

Free Title Searches

Free vessel documentation search.
Free boat lien claims search.
Free hull number verification check.
Free Boat Manufacturer Search.

Boat Title Resources

A full complement of research tools.
Largest gathering of search resources.
Nationwide and foreign resources.
From ski-boats to mega-yachts.

Title Search Guidelines

Step by step title search guidelines.
Covers all vessels and watercraft.
Nationwide and Foreign Information.
How to identify boat owners and liens.

State Registration Overview

What state boat registration is all about.
Links to more registration information.
Registration as it relates title searches.
How ownership and liens are recorded.

Boat Title Search Information

What you should know about boat title and history searches!

There is no such thing as boat title insurance in the marine industry. Yacht brokers, documentation companies, and attorneys do not guarantee titles. There is accordingly no substitute for a title, lien, and history search when it comes to any boat transaction.

What you see isn't always what you get with boat title certificates. They may not always show full ownership, certain liens, and deficiencies or may have been superseded. Boat title and registration information should always be verified with the issuing agency.

Boat ownership, liens, and mortgages can be recorded in different ways. It all depends on where the boat is located and whether used for recreational or commercial purposes. Boat liens and claims can in fact exist even without having ever become formalized.

A particular boat may have been subject to numerous titling and registration jurisdictions during its lifetime. These may include USCG vessel documentation, state registration, and foreign yacht registry. All of which can still impact the most current title's veracity.

Title branding for boats or reporting requirements for salvage and insurance companies is minimal at best. Although such information is available from within our databases, coverage for all damaged boats is not attainable. A hull inspection should be implemented before closing any boat transaction.

Errors and omissions are commonplace in boat title recordings. Hull numbers can be easily misread, obscured, or altered. It is important to ensure that the boat's title documents match up exactly with the numbers affixed to the boat itself. Our website also provides a free hull number check service to determine whether the assigned number is formatted correctly.

Boat ownership data is becoming ever more difficult to obtain due to strict privacy laws in many jurisdictions. It may therefore take some effort and time in checking this out. Don't wait until the last minute to initiate a thorough ownership, title, and lien search.

When all is said and done, the owner is your only recourse in case of title deficiencies. Of course this doesn't matter if such party becomes insolvent, unavailable, or non-cooperative. You should run a background check on all owners unless you have supreme confidence in their wherewithal to stand behind any representations of title.

BoatScope Database

Search by multiple criteria.
Comprehensive status report.
Eight maritime databases.
USCG documentation records.

Lien Claims Registry

Free boat lien claims search.
Post a lien claim at no charge.
Nationwide and foreign exposure.
Notify the public about your lien.

Stolen Boat Registry

Free stolen boat database search.
Post a stolen boat at no charge.
Nationwide and foreign exposure.
Serving the public and enforcement.

Vessel Documentation Overview

Vessel documentation information.
Vessel documentation resources
How ownership and liens are recorded.
Federal vs. state registration.

Foreign Registry Overview

About foreign yacht registry.
Online registry information.
Registry as related to documentation.
How owners and liens are recorded.

A Division of Maritime Partners, LLC
State of Washington  USA
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